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Your Coach

The vast majority of chronic health problems are rooted in our day-to-day lives.  Our daily decisions may be the most impactful thing on our health - more than genetics.  In fact, changing our behaviors changes our genetics. 


Sagar Doshi, M.D.


Everything you want to do in your life requires your health.  Luckily, you are in control. If it doesn't feel like that, I can help. By working together, you'll create new choices and the ability to choose well. 




“One day, a man was rushed into the emergency department with his 13th heart attack. Despite his long history of heart troubles, this affable, kind man had not done anything to change the course of his illness — he took all of his prescribed medicine and kept all his medical appointments. He even kept all his records organized in a binder. 


“I rushed him off to the cardiologists who would try to salvage what remained of his heart. There was no time to ask if he knew that he had control of his health. 


“Now, when I see someone sitting in a hospital bed for a complication of their health problems, I see that man. I also see my late father, who suffered from the burden of heart disease and diabetes.  I know that this doesn’t have to happen again – for most people, these conditions can be reversible.”

— Dr. Sagar Doshi

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  • BS, Natural Sciences, University of Akron (with minors in Psychology & Chemistry)

  • MD, Northeast Ohio Medical University

  • Residency, Emergency Medicine, Wright Patterson AFB —Former USAF Major

  • Board Certified, American Board Emergency Medicine

  • Board Certified, American Board Lifestyle Medicine

  • WellStart Health Coach Certified

We'd like to share our stories with you in person!

Call us now to talk to us about how to get you healthier!

What are people saying?​


  • "Columbus Prevent and Reverse has been an indispensable resource in helping me establish and maintain a solid diet and comprehensive wellness regimen. The information provided is never generic. It's tailored to my specific challenges and needs. As a client, I feel confident that I'm receiving the best and most current information available on the importance of a plant based lifestyle as a cornerstone to my overall wellbeing. Likewise, I have greater clarity on how critical exercise along meditation, sleep, and daily expressions of gratitude are in optimizing health and wellness. My time with Dr. Doshi has helped me improve in my physical fitness, mindset, relationship with my spouse and outlook on my future. I highly recommend Columbus Prevent and Reverse to anyone looking to make significant and lasting change in their life."

  • "My experience with Columbus Prevent and Reverse over the past 6 months has been refreshingly different from my attempts at lifestyle changes in the past. Right after completing the health assessment, I was contacted to set up a meeting to review my goals. Dr. Doshi was extremely clear in outlining the program and developing a plan of action. The weekly follow-up calls or in person meetings, the accountability checks, the guidance and counseling along the way have helped me get that much closer to my desired outcomes. I have been able to get off of my blood pressure medicine, my sleep has improved, I don’t have the daily aches and pains that I have lived with for years and I am losing weight. I have been able to manage my stress better and communication with my spouse has been much more open. I am excited to see all that is yet to come as I continue on this path of health and wellness. This is a program I would recommend to anyone seeking to make lifestyle changes."


  • "What a difference it makes for a doctor to talk over your needs and wants in a personal manner who sees you as an individual! Amazing! The doctors at Columbus, Prevent and Reverse see you in a holistic manner and they start where you are and help you with lifestyle changes in incremental steps. Lifestyle changes are so overlooked and understood yet they have immediate relevance in your daily life to make positive changes for your health and well being. What a gem to have Columbus, Prevent and Reverse available for us!"

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